____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I’m so fortunate to be treated by Dr. Todd.Whenever I am “out of sorts” (cold, flu, stiff neck, shoulder pain, lower back pain, even TMJ, Dr. Todd zero’s right to the problem with his magic touch.No wasted time with him; he finds the problem and takes care of it.He truly is my healer- the very best!~J.S. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I started having trouble with my hands falling asleep several months ago while I slept, driving, putting on makeup, reading the paper, etc.It gradually became very painful, waking me up several times at night.My husband suggested seeing a chiropractor and I made an appointment with Dr. Meyers. Dr. Todd said I may have a pinched nerve associated to a head injury I suffered last year and that he could help me. At this time I also had dizziness associated with the head injury.The first two weeks I saw Dr. Meyers I was on vacation from my job where my hands were in repetitive motion most of the day and I felt relief in my hands especially from the pain and swelling.I experienced a slight setback to my hands when I returned to work but my back was feeling so good.Dr. Todd had given me a set if posture stretching exercises to do at home.Another week or so of adjustments and I noticed I was not getting dizzy anymore.I now see Dr. Meyers once every two weeks and my hands are gradually getting better and better.Unrelated to my hands, I have diminished pain in my right hip and I believe my posture has improved along with increased flexibility, not to mention I am sleeping better.All thanks to Dr. Meyers! ~D.M. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________